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The prerogative of health practitioners is the restorative preservation of wellbeing and wellness for the inhabitants of the global village, which should be provided by interprofessional collaborative practice practitioners and not just individuals, which is the bedrock of the African Journal of Nursing Social Work and Traditional Healing Systems(AJONSOTHS). This approach and perception are guided by the multi-facets of health service provision in a collaborative design that formats and informs wholeness and holistic paradigms. Ideally, these narratives seek to bridge gaps between conventional medicinal practice and the revived indigenous knowledge (IK) enclaves hitherto held in limbo, swayed away from the roots and depth of the African persona and personality and away from an Afrocentric discourse. The latter is gaining momentum as Black consciousness is awakening to the reality of the practice and performance of literal works in the heritage-based development and growth of health...
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