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Adonis-Abbey's Journal Section

Showing (page 2 of 2) - 15 editions
Published Since: 2020. The journal is indexed by SCOPUS, IBSS, EBSCO, ERIH PLUS and SABINET. The journal is accredited by DHET (Regulator of Higher Eductaion in South Africa)
Publication Frequency: Tri-annual (Three times a year) ISSN: 2633-2108 E-ISSN: 2633-2116. The journal now charges APC from 2025
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Journal of African Languages and Literary Studies (JoALLS) Volume 2, Number 2, August 2021

  In pursuit of happiness and fulfillment   We argue in the present article that cumulatively over time, inexorable as  it is, like change with the evolvement of time, perceptions and values remain immutable to the demands of the day in any society, wittingly or unwittingly. The hearty professor of Political Science from the University  of Zimbabwe and former Cabinet Minister in the late former President R G Mugabe’s reign, Professor Jonathan Moyo once remarked: ‘Only a fool does not change his mind’. Does anyone who does change their minds/perspectives answer to the call of wisdom or they actually buttress the foolishness therein ingrained in their life’s outlook/worldview, generally? What is there to gain or lose by adjusting perceptions, positions, persuasions, and strategies to be an active agent in the pursuit of life in its fullness? Is it a crime to shift perceptions in whatever area of one’s life? Is joy always the outcome? ...

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Journal of African Languages and Literary Studies (JoALLS) Volume 2, Number 1, April 2021. Editor Ruby Magosvongwe

 Conversing the framing and structuring of African Languages and Literary Studies: A snippet   The present volume gives selected insights into conversations about framing ‘mother/woman’ disruptions, agency and struggles for emancipation in both symbolic and literary terms. The framing we read herein could be microcosmic of broader voices shared on the continent and the Diaspora, notwithstanding the fact that there are as many contestations around narratives and concepts as there are interest groups and respective conceptual frameworks. Within the differently framed conversations that the present journal embeds, despite the rigour that each article exudes, commonalities do converge. Cumulatively and collectively, the articles excavate inferiorised epistemologies, which, when brought to the centre of conversations about the knowledge economies from Africa, shifts about monolithic conceptions about transcendence from positions of marginality would most...

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Journal of African Languages and Literary Studies (JoALLS) Volume 1, Number 3, December 2020

 The themes of colonisation and decolonisation dominate in this issue of JoALLS. The colonisation of African communities by European forces was so inhuman and brutal that it left skeletons of African people littered in affected areas on the continent. The trails of murder, massacre, plunder and displacement of defenceless and innocent Africans by marauding, bloodthirsty colonialists are unsavory, heart-rending and disgusting. The crucial role literature plays in documenting the trials and tribulations of Africans cannot be overemphasized. The historical novel and (auto) biography have always become handy in this regard, although caution should be taken on which perspective they are framed. As you read this issue, you will realise that the words ‘Germans’ and ‘genocide’ are what linguists call ‘collocates’; in other words, you cannot talk of one of these two words without the other as the Germans’ heinous crimes were meant to decimate the H...

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Journal of African Languages and Literary Studies Vol. 1, No. 2, August 2020

 My appointment as the founding Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of African Languages and Literary Studies (JoALLS), as well as the author of the editorial note for the current second issue, testifies of how linkages in academia are not confined by geographical and institutional boundaries. The Editorial Board membership similarly demonstrates diversity of scholars that have been brought together for want of a common vision; a rigorous scholarly contrastive voice on the African experiences as is the case with establishment of Apartheid Studies in some Sub-Saharan African Universities.   The publishers’ persuasion in the same vision has seen them providing virtual space with an ambience that further strengthens richer and  uninhibited scholarship that nurtures rigorous criticism on African Languages and Literary Studies through double blind peer-reviews. The collaboration has opened yet another avenue for academics to broaden platforms that they can use to creat...

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