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Adonis-Abbey's Journal Section

Showing (page 1 of 2) - 15 editions
Published Since: 2020. The journal is indexed by SCOPUS, IBSS, EBSCO, ERIH PLUS and SABINET. The journal is accredited by DHET (Regulator of Higher Eductaion in South Africa)
Publication Frequency: Tri-annual (Three times a year) ISSN: 2633-2108 E-ISSN: 2633-2116. The journal now charges APC from 2025
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Journal of African Languages and Literary Studies (JoALLS) Volume 3, Number 2, August, 2022

I am delighted to present to you this August edition of JOALLS. In essence, it is a compilation of eight papers which explore unique issues that face humanity in different ways. Your duty as scholars is to further interrogate the ways in which authors have presented the issues they address in their papers. The stringent requirements that higher education institutions put for their academics to get promoted to senior, lecturer, associate professor and professor grades in some cases have resulted in what Ngeh terms ‘meal ticket scholarship’. Similarly, Nhemachena’s and Mawere’s recent thought-provoking paper addresses ‘academics with clay feet’. What I find striking is that, whether it is ‘meal ticket scholarship’ or ‘academics with clay feet’, both papers condemn mediocre scholarship which is mainly due to the ‘publish or perish’ mantra that obtains in academia. Moving from academia to politics, we find out that the questions of ‘cosmetic democracy, coups an...

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Journal of African Languages and Literary Studies (JoALLS) Volume 2, Number 3, December, 2021

 When the devastating COVID-19 pandemic struck the world, universities had to pragmatically deal with change and adaptation in order to survive.  Up to now, our universities are still adapting to the change in every respect because of the pandemic which is still amongst us. We have witnessed remarkable ways in which students, staff and stakeholders have adapted to the complexities brought by the pandemic. It has been established that in organisations, there is a strong relationship between evolution, adaptation and survival.  Keith Morrison in ‘School Leadership and Complexity Theory’ discussion (2002) suggests ‘Complexity to be a theory of change and adaptation detailing how change occurs in systems as well as the principles and mindsets needed to flourish in turbulent environments’ that has not changed since 2002. Morrison’s theory is applicable to the situations our higher education institutions are in, especially now during the troubled ...

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