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Editorial Board - Journal of African Languages and Literary Studies (JoALLS)

Editor-in-Chief (2021-)
Prof. Jairos Kangira 
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences  
University of Namibia, Namibia
Past Editor (2020)
Prof. Ruby Magosvongwe
Faculty of Arts, Department of English 
University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe
Editorial Adviser
Prof. Osita Okagbue
Department of Theatre and Performance
Convener, MA World Theatres
Goldsmiths, University of London, New Cross  
Deputy Editors
Prof Ayobami Kehinde, 
University of Ibadan, 
Dr Lobna Ben Salem
Department of English
Faculty of Letters, Arts, and Humanities,
Manouba University
Editorial Board Members 
Prof. Michael Porter Abioseh
Drexel University, USA 
Prof. Maurice Taonezvi Vambe,
Department of English Studies, 
Faculty of Humanities, 
University of South Africa
Ass. Prof. Owojecho Omoha, 
Department of English Language and Literary Studies, 
Faculty of Arts, University of Abuja, Nigeria 
Prof. Zifikile Makwavarara, 
Department of African Languages and Literature, 
University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe 
Dr. Morve Roshan Khalil,  
Bangor Univeristy, United Kingdom
Prof Maik Nwosu,  
Department of English and Literary Arts
University of Denver, USA
Prof Peter Wasamba 
Professor of Literature, 
Department of Literature, University of Nairobi, 
Prof Mphoto Johannes Mogoboya
University of Limpopo
South Africa
Abasi Kiyimba, PhD
Professor of Literature
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Makerere University
Ass. Prof. Dr. Mika Nyoni,
Great Zimbabwe University
Robert Mugabe School of Education & Culture
Masvingo, Zimbabwe
Dr. Isaiah I. Agbo
Department of English and Literary Studies, 
University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Dr Kenneth Ahaiwe 
Department of English and Literary Studies, 
University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Paul M. Mukundi, Ph.D. 
Department of English & Language Arts
Morgan State University 
Adeola Agoke, PhD
Department of African Cultural Studies
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Professor Kene Igweonu
Pro Vice-Chancellor & Head of College 
London College of Communication 
University of the Arts London
Dr. Oluseye Adesola
Council on African Studies,
Yale University,  New Haven, Connecticut,
Kimani Njogu Ph.D.
Twaweza Communications Centre,
Nairobi, Kenya
Najib Mokhtari, (Ph.D. in Comparative Literature/Associate Professor)
College of Social Sciences
Universite Internationale de Rabat
Rabat, Morocco 









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