editor@adonis-abbey.com UK: +44(0)20 7692 0770 / Nigeria:+23470 5807 8841
We recognize that academics work under challenging conditions and that the volume of official work an editor has may suddenly change - such as marking examination scripts, being involved in consultancy works etc. Since publishing timeously is an article of faith for us and we do not want to overburden our editors, we encourage them to inform us of when their volume of work has increased in such a manner that they will be left with little or no time to attend to the demands of the journal. In such a situation we can appoint a Guest Editor to help us birth the affected issue of the journal and the honorarium that should be due to the editor will be paid to the Guest Editor. We may also ask the substantive editor of the journal to nominate someone we can appoint as the Guest Editor in such a circumstance.